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Every day millions of people in Israel and the Palestinian territories go without running water, electricity, or both. Many are impoverished families with small children living in cities as well-known as Bethlehem.

Atmospheric Water Generation (AWG) is a process of condensing moisture from the air, filtering it, and transforming it into some of the purest and healthiest drinking water on the planet. In places where there is no water, no clean water, or a limited supply of water, this is nothing short of meeting urgent needs from thin air. This technology has been around in some form for over 20 years, but it has never been used to help people like we are using it.


There are family homes, schools, hospitals, farms, houses of worship, and even orphanages in Israel and the Palestinian territories that have great need of water. We place Atmospheric Water Generation (AWG) machines in individual homes that can provide enough drinking and cooking water for an entire family. We also place larger AWG machines in community centers that can create enough drinking water for hundreds of people. And, when needed, we couple these machines with solar power so they cost nothing to operate.



Atmospherically Generated Water is not only an answer to prayer for those in need. It is also delicious, and it creates opportunities for bottling. By using solar-powered AWG machines that can each produce 10,000 liters of water per day, coupled with a micro-bottling facility using bio-degradable plastic, we can create 20,000 bottles of water per machine every day.

Bottling water from air not only provides water for those in need, but it gives us the ability to package and distribute it easily wherever it is needed most. This facility also creates jobs, is self-sustaining, and has other economic benefits. Through this project, your gift can not only provide water for those in need, but empower and equip them to become self-sufficient and have a national impact.


Water Generation Plant

Solar-powered atmospheric water generation provides scalability that can change the world. We are planning to build a water generation plant that can produce up to 400,000 liters of water per day from the air with essentially no electricity cost and no pollution. These facilities can transform regions and entire countries, providing an abundance of water with no energy cost!

Water Generation
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